Bridesmaid Jewelry Sets For Older Bridesmaids

December 25, 2017

Bridesmaid Jewelry Sets For Older Bridesmaids

Although the average age of the American bride is about 25, there are many women who are waiting until their 30s or 40s to get married for the first time. As women are waiting later to get married, they usually have bridesmaids who are out of their 20s as well. When they are looking for gifts for these older bridesmaids, brides should seek out bridesmaid jewelry sets with a high level of sophisticated style.

Whatever her age, first time brides often want a big wedding with all the trimmings, but done in an age appropriate way. This means that what might be perfect for a 23 year old ingenue would seem a bit silly for a more mature woman in her mid-30s. Most women don't wear the exact same type of clothing that they did when they were fresh out of college, and likewise, their weddings should grow up too. Simple, elegant, and sophisticated are all watchwords for an older bride when shopping for the wedding attire for her bridesmaids and herself.

When it comes to choosing bridesmaid jewelry sets to give as gifts, you will naturally want them to suit the personality and style of the recipients. If your attendants are out of their 20s, they will undoubtedly want to wear something more elegant and timeless than a younger gal might enjoy. Think abut choosing pieces that your bridesmaids will be able to wear again after your wedding, for a truly meaningful gift.

Pieces that are unique are always a good place to start when looking for that perfect gift. Designer style pieces, like keshi pearl necklaces are a fabulous option. You can find keshi pearl bridesmaid jewelry online for a fraction of the prices that you see in the high end department stores. Your friends will love the expensive and chic look of keshi pearls, and you will love getting their gifts at an affordable price!

Another great idea for sophisticated bridesmaid jewelry sets is to choose pieces done in black and white. The combination of black and white pearls is extremely stylish, and is definitely a look that your attendants will be able to wear with their regular wardrobe. If you are going for more sparkle, them look for jewelry that is handcrafted with clear and black Swarovksi crystals.

Selecting bigger pieces of jewelry is also a good way to make sure that the look is adult enough for older bridesmaids. Anything too dainty can end up looking like it was left over from their Sweet Sixteen, especially when it comes to pearls. Look for jewelry that is bolder, such as necklaces, earrings, and bracelets created in 8mm or larger pearls or crystals. If your girls have the flair to pull it off, go for really big and fabulous pieces made from gems over 10mm.

Many women in their 30s and 40s already have a decent collection of jewelry, so they will appreciate receiving pieces that are beyond the basics. The chances are that most of your bridesmaids will already own a classic strand of pearls, but they probably do not yet have something truly spectacular like a crystal and pearl lariat necklace, or some funky coin pearl jewelry. These more unique pieces are sure to make a great impression.

Choosing the right sets of bridesmaid jewelry doesn't have to be hard, as long as you keep in mind the recipients. When your bridesmaids are a little older, look for pieces that are unique, sophisticated, and above all stylish. Not only will your friends love their gifts, but you will love how good they look in them on your wedding day!